This document assumes that the latest release archive from has been unpacked into /opt/kythe/. See /opt/kythe/ for more information.

Extracting Compilations

# Generate Kythe protobuf sources
bazel build //kythe/proto:all

# Environment variables common to Kythe extractors
export KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY="$PWD"                        # Root of source code corpus
export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="/tmp/kythe.compilations/"  # Output directory
export KYTHE_VNAMES="$PWD/kythe/data/vnames.json"         # Optional: VNames configuration


# Extract a Java compilation
# java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \
# \
#   <javac_arguments>
java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \
  -jar /opt/kythe/extractors/javac_extractor.jar \ \

# Extract a C++ compilation
# /opt/kythe/extractors/cxx_extractor <arguments>
/opt/kythe/extractors/cxx_extractor -x c++ kythe/cxx/common/scope_guard.h

Extracting Compilations using Bazel

Kythe uses Bazel to build itself and has implemented Bazel action_listeners that use Kythe’s Java and C++ extractors. This effectively allows Bazel to extract each compilation as it is run during the build.

Extracting the Kythe repository

Add the flag --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_java to make Bazel extract Java compilations and --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_cxx to do the same for C++.

# Extract all Java/C++ compilations in Kythe
bazel build -k \
  --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_java \
  --experimental_action_listener=@io_kythe//kythe/extractors:extract_kzip_cxx \
  --experimental_extra_action_top_level_only \
  //kythe/cxx/... //kythe/java/...

# Find the extracted .kzip files
find -L bazel-out -name '*.kzip'

Extracting other Bazel based repositories

You can use the Kythe release to extract compilations from other Bazel based repositories.

# Download and unpack the latest Kythe release
wget -O /tmp/kythe.tar.gz \$KYTHE_VERSION/kythe-$KYTHE_VERSION.tar.gz
tar --no-same-owner -xvzf /tmp/kythe.tar.gz --directory /opt
echo 'KYTHE_DIR=/opt/kythe-$KYTHE_VERSION' >> $BASH_ENV

# Build the repository with extraction enabled
bazel --bazelrc=$KYTHE_DIR/extractors.bazelrc \
    build --override_repository kythe_release=$KYTHE_DIR \

runextractor tool

runextractor is a generic extraction tool that works with any build system capable of emitting a compile_commands.json file. runextractor invokes an extractor for each compilation action listed in compile_commands.json and generates a kzip in the output directory for each.

Build systems capable of emitting a compile_commands.json include CMake, Ninja, gn, waf, and others.

runextractor configuration

runextractor is configured via a set of environment variables:

  • KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY: The absolute path for file input to be extracted. This is generally the root of the repository. All files extracted will be stored relative to this path.
  • KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: The absolute path for storing output.
  • KYTHE_CORPUS: The corpus label for extracted files.

Extracting from a compile_commands.json file

This example uses Ninja, but the first step can be adapted for others.

  1. Begin by building your project with compile_commands.json enabled. For ninja, the command is ninja -t compdb > compile_commands.json
  2. Set environment variables - see above section.
  3. Invoke runextractor: runextractor compdb -extractor /opt/kythe/extractors/cxx_extractor
  4. If successful, the output directory should contain one kzip for each compilation action. An optional last step is to merge these into one kzip with /opt/kythe/tools/kzip merge --output $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/merged.kzip $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/*.kzip.

Extracting CMake based repositories

The runextractor tool has a convenience subcommand for cmake-based repositories that first invokes CMake to generate a compile_commands.json, then processes the listed compilation actions. However the same result could be achieved by invoking CMake manually, then using the generic runextractor compdb command.

These instructions assume your environment is already set up to successfully run cmake for your repository.

$ export KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY="/absolute/path/to/repo/root"
$ export KYTHE_CORPUS=""

$ export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="/tmp/kythe-output"

# $CMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY is passed into the -sourcedir flag. This value should be
# the directory that contains the top-level CMakeLists.txt file. In many
# repositories this path is the same as $KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY.
$ export CMAKE_ROOT_DIRECTORY="/absolute/path/to/cmake/root"

$ /opt/kythe/tools/runextractor cmake \
    -extractor=/opt/kythe/extractors/cxx_extractor \

Extracting Gradle based repositories

  1. Install compiler wrapper

    Extraction works by intercepting all calls to javac and saving the compiler arguments and inputs to a “compilation unit”, which is stored in a .kzip file. We have a script that forwards javac calls to the java extractor and then calls javac. Add this to the end of your project’s build.gradle:

     allprojects {
       gradle.projectsEvaluated {
         tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
           options.fork = true
           options.forkOptions.executable = '/opt/kythe/extractors/'
  2. VName configuration

    Next, you will need to create a vnames.json mapping file, which tells the extractor how to assign vnames to files based on their paths. A basic vnames config for a gradle project looks like:

         "pattern": "(build/[^/]+)/(.*)",
         "vname": {
           "corpus": "MY_CORPUS",
           "path": "@2@",
           "root": "@1@"
         "pattern": ".*/.gradle/caches/(.*)",
         "vname": {
           "corpus": "MY_CORPUS",
           "path": "@1@",
           "root": ".gradle/caches"
         "pattern": "(.*)",
         "vname": {
           "corpus": "MY_CORPUS",
           "path": "@1@"

    (note: change “MY_CORPUS” to the actual corpus for your project)

    You can test your vname config using the vnames command line tool. For example:

     bazel build //kythe/go/util/tools/vnames
     echo "some/test/" | ./bazel-bin/kythe/go/util/tools/vnames/vnames apply-rules --rules vnames.json
     > {
     >   "corpus": "MY_CORPUS",
     >   "path": "some/test/"
     > }
  3. Extraction

     # note: you may want to use a different javac depending on your install
     export REAL_JAVAC="/usr/bin/javac"
     export JAVA_HOME="$(readlink -f $REAL_JAVAC | sed 's:/bin/javac::')"
     export JAVAC_EXTRACTOR_JAR="/opt/kythe/extractors/javac_extractor.jar"
     export KYTHE_VNAMES="$PWD/vnames.json"
     export KYTHE_ROOT_DIRECTORY="$PWD" # paths in the compilation unit will be made relative to this
     export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY="/tmp/extracted_gradle_project"
     ./gradlew clean build -x test -Dno_werror=true
     # merge all kzips into one
     /opt/kythe/tools/kzip merge --output $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/merged.kzip $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/*.kzip
  4. Examine results

    If extraction was successful, the final kzip should be at $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/merged.kzip. The kzip tool can be used to inspect the result.

     $ kzip info --input merged.kzip | jq . # view summary information
     $ kzip view merged.kzip | jq .         # view all compilation units in the kzip

Extracting projects built with make

Projects built with make can be extracted by substituting the C/C++ compiler with a wrapper script that invokes both Kythe’s cxx_extractor binary and the actual C/C++ compiler.

Given a simple example project:


#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    std::cout << "Hello" << std::endl;
# makefile

all: bin

  $(CXX) -o bin

#!/bin/bash -e

$KYTHE_RELEASE_DIR/extractors/cxx_extractor "$@" &
/usr/bin/c++ "$@"

Extraction is done by setting the CXX make variable as well as some environment variables that configure cxx_extractor.

# directory where kythe release has been installed
export KYTHE_RELEASE_DIR=/opt/kythe-v0.0.50

# parameters for cxx_extractor
export KYTHE_CORPUS=mycorpus
export KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY=/tmp/extract

export CXX=""



If all goes well, this will populate $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY with kzip files, one for each compiler invocation. These files can be inspected with the kzip tool distributed as part of the kythe release. For example kzip view $KYTHE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/some.file.kzip | jq.

Indexing Compilations

All Kythe indexers analyze compilations emitted from extractors as either a .kzip file. The indexers will then emit a delimited stream of entry protobufs that can then be stored in a GraphStore.

# Indexing a C++ compilation
# /opt/kythe/indexers/cxx_indexer --ignore_unimplemented <kzip-file> > entries
/opt/kythe/indexers/cxx_indexer --ignore_unimplemented \
  .kythe_compilations/c++/ > entries

# Indexing a Java compilation
# java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \
# \
#   <kzip-file> > entries
java -Xbootclasspath/p:third_party/javac/javac*.jar \ \
  $PWD/.kythe_compilations/java/ > entries

# View indexer's output entry stream as JSON
/opt/kythe/tools/entrystream --write_format=json < entries

# Write entry stream into a GraphStore
/opt/kythe/tools/write_entries --graphstore leveldb:/tmp/gs < entries

Indexing the Kythe Repository

mkdir -p .kythe_{graphstore,compilations}
# .kythe_serving is the output directory for the resulting Kythe serving tables
# .kythe_graphstore is the output directory for the resulting Kythe GraphStore
# .kythe_compilations will contain the intermediary .kzip file for each
#   indexed compilation

# Produce the .kzip files for each compilation in the Kythe repo
./kythe/extractors/bazel/ "$PWD" .kythe_compilations

# Index the compilations, producing a GraphStore containing a Kythe index
bazel build //kythe/release:docker
docker run --rm \
  -v "${PWD}:/repo" \
  -v "${PWD}/.kythe_compilations:/compilations" \
  -v "${PWD}/.kythe_graphstore:/graphstore" \
  google/kythe --index

# Generate corresponding serving tables
/opt/kythe/tools/write_tables --graphstore .kythe_graphstore --out .kythe_serving

Using Cayley to explore a GraphStore

Install Cayley if necessary:

# Convert GraphStore to nquads format
bazel run //kythe/go/storage/tools/triples --graphstore /path/to/graphstore | \
  gzip >kythe.nq.gz

cayley repl --dbpath kythe.nq.gz # or cayley http --dbpath kythe.nq.gz
// Get all file nodes
cayley> g.V().Has("/kythe/node/kind", "file").All()

// Get definition anchors for all record nodes
cayley> g.V().Has("/kythe/node/kind", "record").Tag("record").In("/kythe/edge/defines").All()

// Get the file(s) defining a particular node
cayley> g.V("node_ticket").In("/kythe/edge/defines").Out("/kythe/edge/childof").Has("/kythe/node/kind", "file").All()

Serving data over HTTP

The http_server tool can be run over the serving table created with the write_tables binary (see above).

# --listen localhost:8080 allows access from only this machine; change to
# --listen :8080 to allow access from any machine
/opt/kythe/tools/http_server \
  --listen localhost:8080 \
  --serving_table .kythe_serving