Kythe Storage Model
This document describes a persistent storage representation for Kythe analysis data. The main goal of this representation is to permit Kythe data to be stored in a compact and portable way. This is a “storage” representation — intended for persistent storage of Kythe data — in contrast to “serving” representations intended for efficient implementation of UI-facing services. As such, the performance of general-purpose graph queries is not a primary consideration. We expect data stored in this format to be further processed into more efficient formats for searching or serving, e.g., into denormalized paged association tables, or graph-database triples.
- Simplicity
Each entry is a simple, tabular record that is easy to generate in an analyzer and convert between different physical storage formats (e.g., LevelDB files, CSV, SQLite tables, Google Cloud Datastore).
- Compactness
Storage tables are in 1NF (each entry represents a single atomic value; set- or sequence-valued fields are stored as multiple entries), and each entry is stored only once. Indexing for efficient queries is the responsibility of the consumer.
- Neutrality
The representation does not depend on specific features of any particular programming language or toolchain, allowing tools for this format to be written in any language.
- Portability
Analysis artifacts stored in this format can be easily packaged with other code artifacts such as object files, JARs, and symbol tables.
- Composability
Multiple store files can be easily combined to aggregate stores containing results from separate analyses into a single store representing all of them together.
- Query efficiency
This representation is for storage, not serving, so it is not optimized for general-purpose searching or queries. Separate indexes should be extracted for those purposes.
- Schematization and validation
The storage representation here does not include a schema for its contents, apart from the structure of the data itself. A schema for what facts should be stored, their exact value formats, and other validation constraints are outside the scope of this document. Keys and values are stored as strings.
A graph store is the interface between Kythe analyzers and the tools that consume their outputs. Output from each (analyzer, target) combination is converted into the storage format described below, and the results are aggregated together into a combined store. Tools consume Kythe artifacts by looking up or extracting values from the graph store to produce indexes, or by processing the store in bulk.
The desired high-level architecture is illustrated by this diagram:

Analyzers, shown on the left, consume build information from the build system and emit Kythe facts. Tools, shown on the right, read facts from a graph store and do useful work with them. Broadly speaking, there are two varieties of processing that can be applied to the data in the store:
Synthesis of new facts. Some tools extend the graph store by locating interesting patterns of data and adding new facts to represent them. Examples: Cross-language linking, precomputation of transitive closure relations, inference of cross edges for parametric types, dependency injection.
Extraction of indexes. Some tools create new tables to efficiently provide services. Examples: Denormalized adjacency-list tables for cross-reference serving; graph-database triples for whole-graph analysis.
This document also defines a RPC-style interface that a graph store implementation may use to provide format-independent access to its contents. A graph store implementation is not required to support this interface. A key point of the design, however, is to permit tools to operate on the contents of a graph store without a need for “thick” client libraries. An implementation that has an idiosyncratic internal representation can support this RPC interface, allowing Kythe tools to access their contents without baking knowledge of that representation into each consumer.
Throughout the rest of this document, the following terminology is used.
Nodes as Vectors
As viewed from the storage layer, a ‘node’ in a Kythe graph is essentially a bag of string-valued key/value properties associated with a unique name. In order for this representation to make sense, each node must have a unique name, to distinguish it from all the other nodes in the graph.
To solve this naming problem, Kythe adopts the view that a node is a d-dimensional ‘vector’, where each dimension represents some scalar fact about the node: The “dimensions” in this case are not numbers, but arbitrary semantic categories, e.g., kind, identifier, snippet, location, corpus, language. A particular node is defined by fixing its values in each dimension (where “empty” is also an option).
In practice it is not necessary to model nodes as explicit vectors, but the ability to do so is very convenient for computation. In particular, searching, clustering, indexing, and other related machine-learning tasks are simple to express in this model: Node-vectors can be projected into weight vectors for computing similarities or identifying clusters, or subjected to principal components analysis to identify relevant features, and so on.
Vector-Name (VName)
Taking the view that a node is essentially a vector of its properties leads to the naming scheme Kythe uses for nodes in its graph:
A node N can be uniquely identified relative to a universe U of nodes by fixing any v-dimensional projection of the node’s attributes that differs from all U \ {N} under the same projection. In other words, we can choose a name for N by picking a small basis of facts about a node, and use the node’s projection into the basis as its “name”. This works as long as the facts we pick are sufficient to distinguish all the nodes in our set U.
We call a name constructed using this approach a “Vector-Name” or VName for the node. A VName is the primary unit of naming in the Kythe graph store.
One important property of a VName is that it is extensible: As a collection of nodes grows, new nodes may arrive that differ from the existing nodes, but have the same VName. To maintain uniqueness, it is only necessary to add one or more additional dimensions to the VName projection to account for the new data. Updating existing VNames to a new projection is a trivial mechanical rewriting process, particularly when the new projection is an extension of the old one.
See also Kythe URI Specification,
which is essentially the same, except that a VName uses UTF-8 and
a URI uses pct-encoded
The initial definition of a VName includes the following 5 fields:
Signature. An opaque signature generated by the analyzer. The format of this string is opaque outside the analyzer itself, but informally should be sufficient to distinguish nodes within a corpus of the language. (However, VNames for built-ins should be unique across corpora of the same language). For example:<#1>()
. -
Corpus. The corpus of source code this VName belongs to. Loosely, a corpus is a collection of related files, such as the contents of a given source repository. Corpora accessible via the Internet should generally prefer labels shaped like URLs or other address-like strings.
Examples: "chromium", "aosp", "".
We reserve corpus names prefixed withkythe
for the Kythe open-source project itself.
Note: It is possible, though not recommended, to use a local directory path as a corpus label. For storage purposes, corpus labels are not treated like paths (in particular they are not "cleaned" or otherwise lexically normalized as described under Path below). Moreover, a literal path as a corpus label will generally not work well with corpora defined elsewhere, so avoid this formulation unless you don’t require your data to interoperate with other corpora. -
Root. A corpus-specific root label, typically a directory path or project identifier, denoting a distinct subset of the corpus. This may also be used to designate virtual collections like generated files.
An empty Root field should signify a concrete file in the corpus relative to the corpus root. The interpretation for a VName with an empty Root corresponds to a file under version control in (one of) the repository(ies) being analyzed; a non-empty Root indicates a generated file, for which the Root is typically (part of) a prefix to the path of that file.
Rationale: Usually a corpus will comprise a single rooted tree of files, such as a Git repository — in which case the Root field can be left empty. In some cases, though, a corpus may have more than one tree — for example, if the build tool stores generated code in a separate directory structure during the build process. In that case, the Root field can be used to distinguish generated paths from checked-in source.
The interpretation of the Root field is always specific to the corpus. A root may be shaped like a path (say, if it names a directory), but it is not required to; it can be an opaque label likegenerated
if that makes sense for the corpus in question. If the Root is intended to denote a directory path, it should be cleaned as described under Path and should not end with a "/". -
Path. A path-structured label describing the “location” of the named object relative to the corpus and the root. For code, this will typically be the relative path of the file containing the code under analysis, such as
in thekythe
Paths should be normalized to be relative to a root directory of their corpus, and should also be normalized cleaned to a canonical form, so as to be free of relative markers such as "." and "..". If a VName’s path can’t be represented without "escaping" from its designated root directory, it’s usually a good sign that a separate Root label should be assigned.
When a path is specified in a query, the query processor may normalize it before executing the query (but this is up to the tool); but all paths that are stored or output must be normalized.
The components of a path are separated by "/"s. The path must not start with a "/" — that is, it is relative to the Root. If the root is empty, it is treated as meaning the top of the corpus (for example, the same as "/" if the corpus maps directly to the file system). -
Language. The language this name belongs to. The schema defines specific labels for each supported language, so we don’t wind up with a confusion of names like "cxx", "cpp", "C++", etc. As a rule of thumb, we will use the common name of the language, in lowercase ("c++", "python", "elisp", "objectivec").
The language is empty (that is, "") for some nodes, such as file.
Other fields can be added as necessary—for example, if a Branch or Client label becomes necessary. As a rule, we try to keep the number of essential VName dimensions as small as possible.
VName Composition
The fields of a VName shall be Unicode strings, save that control characters (categories Cf, Cs, Co, and Cn) and surrogate pair codepoints are disallowed, and category Cc is restricted to TAB (9), CR (10), and LF (13). When encoding VName fields for transmission or storage, the encoding format will be UTF-8 with no byte-order mark, using Normalization Form NFKC.
A ticket is defined as a canonical, invertible, textual (and, if practical, human-readable) string encoding of a VName (or a projection of a VName). A ticket encoding is a rule for rendering a (partial) VName into a string such as a URI, JSON or similar. We have the option to define as many such encodings as we may need, subject to the following restrictions:
- Canonicalization
If two VNames are equal under a given projection, then the tickets generated from those projections must also be equal. This makes it possible to use a ticket as a map key, or hash it to get a sharding function.
- Invertibility
Given the ticket for any projection of a VName, it must be possible to recover the original VName; the encoding does not discard any information from the VName.
- Textual
Tickets are encoded so as to be easily manipulated by a human user in a user interface. In particular, a ticket may contain only printable non-whitespace characters, with the exception of the Unicode
character (code 32); all other characters must be escaped in some way (e.g., base64, HTML entities, URL encoding).
A ticket should be easy to copy and paste and send around in e-mail or as a URI or JSON string. A ticket doesn’t necessarily have to make sense to a human reader, though to the extent it is possible and practical, it should.
Any encoding that satisfies the above requirements can be used as a ticket; the Kythe open-source tools will use the Kythe URI encoding to create tickets.
A fact is a pair (name, value) of strings, with the constraints that the fact name (fact label) must be non-empty and conform to the following EBNF grammar:
name = "/" | 1*path
path = "/" word
LETTER = // Unicode letter; see below.
DIGIT = // Unicode digit; see below.
PUNCT = [-.@#$%&_+:()]
value = 1*byte
In other words, a fact name is a simple, path-structured label. This
construction makes it easy to encode an extensible schema for fact names—the
first path component can be used as a schema label, e.g., /kythe
for facts
defined by the Kythe schema. Other schemata or extensions are free to define
different naming conventions within their own namespace. Fact names must be
encoded as UTF-8 strings.
In The Unicode Standard
6.3, Section 4.5 "General Category" defines a set of character categories. In
the grammar above, LETTER
corresponds to characters in categories Lu, Ll, Lt,
Lm, or Lo, and DIGIT
corresponds to those in category Nd.
Values are stored as strings of uninterpreted bytes—it is up to the schema to define what values are legal for a given fact name, and how to encode them. Importantly, however, the graph store considers values atomic, and does not interpret any structure that may be stored inside them. Set- or sequence-valued data can be stored as multiple facts with a common prefix, e.g.,
The graph store does not interpret fact names; the schema must define the specific rules that apply to their construction and relationships.
An entry is a data structure that associates a single fact with a graph object (a node or an edge). An entry is the primary unit of encoding in the graph store, and each has the following components:
source [ticket] |
kind |
target [ticket] |
fact label |
value |
Source. The ticket of the source node (must not be empty).
Kind. An edge label (may be empty). The schema defines which labels are meaningful.
Target. The ticket of the target node (may be empty).
Fact. A fact label (must not be empty). The schema defines which fact labels are meaningful.
Value. The string value of the fact (may be empty).
If Kind and Target are set, the entry denotes a fact about an edge in the graph; otherwise the entry denotes a fact about a node in the graph. To be valid, an entry must satisfy this constraint:
Either kind and target are both empty (a node entry), or both are non-empty (an edge entry).
Implementations of specific services (e.g., cross-references) may define their own specific node and edge representations as needed. The primitive graph store records only entries. A "node" or "edge" in the graph store is simply the collection of entries in the store that share a source, kind, and target.
Given a particular ticket encoding, the standard entry order is defined by lexicographic comparison of the fields of the entry, with ties broken in left-to-right order: Source, Kind, Target, Fact, Value. An empty string (ø) is considered to precede any non-empty string. The VName valued fields Source and Target are compared according to the VName ordering rule.
For example, the following entries are in standard (nondecreasing) entry order; the underlined element in each row denotes the field that “causes” the row to be ordered after the previous row.
A |
ø |
ø |
/ |
x |
A |
ø |
ø |
/foo |
w |
A |
m |
C |
/bar |
w |
A |
m |
C |
/car |
w |
A |
m |
C |
/car |
y |
A |
n |
B |
/ |
ø |
A |
n |
C |
/bar |
ø |
AB |
ø |
ø |
/ |
t |
Conceptually, each field is compared in isolation; in practice this can be implemented by a flat string comparison separating adjacent fields as if they by an out-of-band delimiter such as NUL.
Edge Direction
All edges in a Kythe graph are labelled and directional. The schema defines which edge labels are expected for various purposes, and more can be added.
To support efficient queries, services based on Kythe data will often find it
useful to denormalize the Kythe data, to make it easy to traverse the edges of
the graph in either direction. For example, if the schema defines a calls
edge that connects a function call site with the function it invokes, a user
may be interested in two obvious questions:
“What function is called at this location?” This is the question answered by the edge itself.
“Where are the places where this function is called?” This question is not covered by the
edge directly, but can be obtained by finding all thecalls
edges that end at the function of interest, and tracing them back to their origins.
To answer cross-reference queries efficiently, one simple strategy is to
pre-compute the “mirror” of each calls
edge, that is to say, the edge with
the endpoints reversed, and the relationship inverted. Notionally, this is as
if we had, for each edge of the form A calls B
, a “reverse” edge B
called_by A
When adding a new feature to the Kythe schema, a natural question to ask is which direction should be the canonical or ‘forward’ edge, i.e., which edge should be emitted by the indexer, and which should be derived?
In Kythe, we have adopted the convention that the “forward” edge, which is
the one to be emitted by the indexer, should be the one that expresses some
kind of dependency relationship between the source and the target. In the
example above, A calls B
expresses a dependency between the call site and the
callee function. The callee, however, does not have any dependency on the call
site; the call site could be deleted from the source without affecting the
target function at all.
In the rare cases where no obvious dependency relationship exists, either edge
may be labelled as “forward”, but we have adopted the convention that the
forward direction is whichever is expected to have the lesser out-degree. As a
rule of thumb, if the number of edges X foo Y
is expected to be some constant
multiple of the number of occurrences of X, foo
is designated a forward
relationship; otherwise foo
is considered a reverse relationship.
By convention, Kythe tools use a fixed lexical convention for generating names for “reverse” edges — generally synthesized for serving purposes — from the edges specified in the schema (refer to the Kythe graph schema).
Graph Store
A graph store is any set of valid entries. A forward graph store is a graph store in which every non-empty edge label is a forward edge label as defined by the schema. Informally, forward edges are those that denote a dependency relationship of the source on the target (see above).
In this model, combining two graph stores into one is accomplished by computing the set union of the two stores. How this is implemented depends on the concrete representation, but for the simple case of a flat ordered table of entries, it can be a simple merge-and-remove-duplicates.
Service Interface
A concrete implementation of a graph store may use whatever physical representation it wishes. However, to permit tools to access different implementations of a graph store, each implementation should also provide access to the store via an RPC interface. The operations supported by this interface are:
A Read operation should be implemented with time complexity proportional to the size of the return set. The general form of a Read query is:
Read(source, kind)
This operation returns all entries with the given source ticket, subject to the following rules:
Kind | Result |
ø |
All entries with kind and target empty (node entries). |
All entries (node and edge, regardless of kind/target). |
kind |
All edge entries with the given kind. |
Rationale: This formulation allows a client to fetch node metadata and implement depth-first traversals over selected parts of the graph. Because nodes in a forward graph store are expected to have low out-degree for any given edge kind, this allows transitive-closure computations and other simple forward-graph explorations to be performed fairly efficiently. Any implementation that can easily locate all the entries with a given source should be able to implement this query efficiently (even a flat file of entries in standard entry order).
Write operations update the contents of the store. The general form of a write query is:
Write(source, updates…)
This operation atomically inserts or updates a collection of entries into the store. Each update is a tuple of the form (kind, target, fact, value). For each such update, the entry (source, kind, target, fact, value) is written into the store, replacing any existing entry (source, kind, target, fact, value') that may exist. Note that this operation cannot delete any data from the store; entries are only ever inserted or updated. Apart from acting atomically, no other constraints are placed on the implementation.
Rationale: Synthesis operations may modify existing data, or add new data, but data need not be deleted except to satisfy requirements external to the data model such as requests to obliterate sensitive data. Such cases must be handled by explicit modification of the underlying storage, and are not addressed by the tool interface.
A Scan is similar to a Read, but with no time complexity restrictions. The general form of a scan query is:
Scan(target, kind, fact)
This operation returns all entries with the specified target, kind, and fact label prefix. Each of the parameters may also be empty, in which case that parameter is always considered to match. Thus, the full range of possibilities is:
target | kind | fact | result |
ø |
ø |
ø |
All entries. |
ø |
ø |
F |
All entries with fact label prefix F. |
ø |
K |
ø |
All entries with kind K. |
ø |
K |
F |
All entries with kind K and fact label prefix F. |
T |
ø |
ø |
All entries with target T. |
T |
ø |
F |
All entries with target T and fact label prefix F. |
T |
K |
ø |
All entries with target T and kind K. |
T |
K |
F |
All entries with target T, kind K, and fact label prefix F. |
As the name implies, scans are expected and allowed to be time-consuming, full-table scan operations. An implementation is of course free to construct side-indices as needed to improve performance, but this isn’t required.
A sharding is a special case of a scan that is intended to support bulk manipulation of a large, complete graph store, e.g., via tools like Hadoop or MapReduce. The two general forms of sharding query are:
Count(index, n)
Shard(index, n)
These operations nominally partition the graph store into n > 0 shards by
fingerprint of source
| kind
, and return to the caller (the count of) all
the entries in shard index, where 0 ≤ index < n. Basically this operation
allows a graph store to be adapted to a MapReduce or Hadoop Reader for sharded
processing. A caller can invoke Count(0, 1)
to obtain the total number of
entries in the graph store.
Rationale: Sharding by source and kind ensures a processing tool can assemble complete nodes and edges from the entries sent to a given shard. Since a forward graph is expected to have low average out degree, we have omitted more general features like configurable hash functions.
Implementation Strategies
The Kythe graph storage format is intentionally designed to be simple and flat, allowing Kythe artifacts to be handled by a variety of concrete representations to meet different demands of scale and performance. A few possibilities are described below, and more can easily be derived.
Single File
The simplest reasonable graph store implementation is a single file of entries in standard order, such as a LevelDB file or a sequence of CSV or JSON records with a line index.
Modifications in this representation are inefficient—they are best handled by keeping a log of small append-only tables, one for each file being analyzed, say, and periodically merging the results together. Despite being unsuited for writing, However, a single-file format is a good and portable transport method for small graph stores, and has the advantage that it is easy to work with.
This format is a reasonable choice for read-only artifacts emitted from a standalone command-line analyzer, where the end results are expected to be combined with other stores to form a larger index for serving. The advantage of single-file formats is that they are easy to ship around to other tools and can be converted to more complex formats without too much overhead.
A slightly more flexible graph store implementation can be built on top of a SQLite or MySQL database. A trivial implementation can be built using a single table of entries, which is more or less a transliteration of the single-file implementation into SQL. A more sophisticated approach (and more efficient for writing) is to split the entries into three tables — this example uses the syntax supported by SQLite:
id integer primary key autoincrement,
ticket text unique not null
source integer,
factLabel text not null,
factValue text,
foreign key (source) references Tickets(id)
source integer,
kind text not null,
target integer,
factLabel text not null default "/",
factValue text,
foreign key (source) references Tickets(id),
foreign key (target) references Tickets(id)
Implementing most of the service methods is fairly straightforward in this representation: Writes can be wrapped in transactions to ensure they are atomic, while reads and scans can be fairly easily turned into simple SQL queries. The map operations are harder in this format, however.
Graph Store Tools
There are some existing tools for processing graph stores in the Kythe repository:
- write_entries
A tool that writes a stream of Kythe entries stored as protobuf messages to an arbitrary graph store service. [source]
- read_entries
A tool that scans a Kythe graph store, printing each entry to standard output. [source]
- triples
A tool to convert a stream of Kythe entries into triples. [source]
- directory_indexer
A tool to generate Kythe entries representing a directory tree. [source]
- leveldb
An implementation of a graph store using LevelDB (via levigo). [source]